Bygg21 9 April 2019: 'Vi bygger best – med åpenhet og tillit

Bygg21 was established in cooperation between the construction and real estate industry and the Norwegian government.

According to its mandate, Bygg21 shall, among other things, recommend methods for measuring productivity, cost development and customer satisfaction in the construction industry.

There has also been a focus on reducing the level of conflict in the construction industry by means of e.g. cooperation and alternative dispute resolution methods. For that purpose, guidelines to good cooperation has been prepared with the title: ‘The best buildings are founded on transparency and trust’ (‘Vi bygger best – med åpenhet og tillit’ – in Norwegian only).

At the breakfast meeting, Karsten Hjertholm, chair of Bygg21’s working group on cooperation and partner in Stor Oslo Eiendom, first talked about the guidelines and how they are applied in the Meierikvartalet project in Lillestrøm in particular and in Stor-Oslo Eiendom in general. Anne Christensen, architect at Dark, presented the project in more detail and described the firm’s experience with the on-going cooperation, while Tor Berglid of Bunde Bygg AS and Steinar Hilm of GK presented the contractors’ and subcontractors’ view on the same.

I discussed how disputes and disagreements can arise even in projects characterised by good cooperation and focused on how such situations should be handled to prevent the level of conflict from affecting the project implementation. There was a good turnout at the breakfast meeting, which was also live streamed. It is available here.

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